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Artificial Turf has come along way since the Houston Astrodome
back in 1966… Have You Seen It Lately?
Today’s turf looks just like the real thing. It’s really uncanny how good it looks. It helps to only purchase from this countries best turf mill. We never have to worry about quality and only offer premium products to our clients.
We started off only doing Putting Greens because back in 2000 that is pretty much all there was. Today our company offers everything and anything in synthetic turf. We are a “one-stop-shop” for our clients.
Here are some of the items you can invest in and make your house a home. A place where you can’t wait to get home to.
- Putting Greens (indoor and outdoor) To Help Your Golf Game
- Tee Boxes For Serious Practice
- Fringe For Your Green
- Dog Runs For Your Fur Baby To Stay Clean
- Bocce Ball Courts For Fun Of All Ages
- Personal Sport Areas (soccer, baseball, field hockey, football)
- Synthetic Lawns For No Mowing and Hard To Grow Areas
- Potty Patches For Poochies In Apartments and Condos
- Turf For Arts & Crafts
- Turf For Decorating Displays
- Turf For Bars Like Coasters
- Etc… Etc… Etc…
Since we started on the Golf side… we offer several different custom golf training avenues for practice in your home
- Indoor Putting Greens
- Outdoor Putting Greens
Individual Putting Strips
Tee Boxes
Sand Traps
Hitting Mats
Skytrak Golf Simulators
Tour Links Modular and Custom Greens
We offer just about anything you will need to have a top notch golf practice facility at your home and business.
Top 10 Reasons To Invest In Your Own Putting Green
- Improve Your Golf game by 3-5 Strokes almost Immediately.
- Teach a “Game For a Lifetime” to Your Kids.
Enhance the Quality of Your Life. You’ve worked Hard For it!
Be the Envy of Your Friends, Family and Neighborhood.
Increases Property Values because it’s a Huge Asset to Your Home.
Practice More and Be at Home More Often.
Enhance Your Landscaping and Beautify Your Back and Front Yard.
Get Your Kids Out of the House and Away From Video Games /TV
Entertain More. People Will Want to Come Over More Often.
Year Round Practice When You Put a Green in Your Basement.
Contact us to schedule an appointment to see just what you can have at your home and business.
Contact Jim at (414) 395-0395
or email him